High Agency brand guideline poster on steps

A new
kind of

High Agency pop icon

We started with one goal in mind

We wanted to make great design more accessible & attainable for small businesses and entrepreneurs. We understand what it's like to be building a brand while living life - that's why we're here to make it a little easier.

High Agency website laptop photo
Optimism grows, pessimism kills t-shirt design

Change the world through design

At High Agency, we're dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs by aligning their design with their business goals. We understand the impact of great branding and design, and we're committed to bringing yours to life.

Why high agency?

The core values that drive   everything we do

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Quick Turnarounds

We are a small, agile team that gets sh*t done. Most projects can be completed in just a few weeks.

Innovative & Creative

We're all about thinking outside the box. We're here to help push the boundaries of what's possible through creativity & design.

Attainable Prices

Lower overhead = lower prices. We offer high-quality, professional design services with scalable pricing that makes sense.


Our expertise goes beyond just design. We make it simple & easy to get everything you need to get your brand or project off the ground.

Tailored to you

We cut out the middle men. You'll work directly with the designer and everything is customized to your business's needs.

Backed by Science

Well sorta... we use a combination of market research, psychology, and a little help from the creative gods to make informative decisions.

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."

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- Albert Einstein